• First Step to Robotics & Coding

    Preschool STEAM Program

    Coding Class Hong Kong

  • We give the younger students taste and fun of robotics or coding with hands-on physical robot building and physical coding without computer screens. We will also introduce some actual robots with programming by bar codes or physical buttons without requiring computer screen, specifically designed for the youngest children. Students can build, program, decorate and bring their own robots to life. Class photos and some works can be put into student’s portfolio to stand out from the crowd in primary school application.

    Learning Objectives

    • Students are able to build basic robots according to instructions
    • Students learn the fundamental of coding concept
    • Students are able to control the robots by simplified preset coding
    • Students are able to cooperate in team and develop effective communication skills
    • Students will develop problem solving skill and logical thinking


    • Photo record of completed robots and classes


    • Age Group:
      4-6 year old
    • Class Size:
      4 - 6
    • Fee per class:
    • Sessions:
      Mon - Fri
    • Prerequisites:
  • Copyright © 2022 Techbob Academy Limited